
Full colour photograph showing the translator Ruth Martin

Image: © Michael Jershov

Ruth Martin studied English literature before gaining a PhD in German.

She has been translating fiction and non-fiction books since 2010, by authors ranging from Joseph Roth and Hannah Arendt to Volker Weidermann and Shida Bazyar. Together with Charlotte Collins, she won the 2020 Warwick Prize for Women in Translation, for Nino Haratischwili’s epic novel The Eighth Life. Ruth has taught at the University of Kent and the Bristol Translates summer school, and is a former co-chair of the UK’s Translators Association.

Full colour photograph showing the translator Imogen Taylor

Image: © C.Broszies

Born in London, Imogen Taylor studied Modern Languages at Oxford and completed her MA and PhD at Humboldt University in Berlin.

She has been living in Berlin since 2001 and working as a literary translator since 2014. She has translated more than twenty books from German, by authors including Alfred Döblin, Dana Grigorcea, Florian Huber and Dirk Kurbjuweit.Her translation of Sasha Salzmann’s Beside Myself was shortlisted for the Schlegel-Tieck Prize 2020 and the 2021 Helen & Kurt Wolff Translator’s Prize.